Official attributes
Please remember that any numeric rating is indicating the rating of the
attribute on world-wide basis and not relative to the league or competition the
official is playing in. This means that in an attribute that accepts values from
0 to 20, 0 is random, 1 is the worst possible standard anywhere in the world at
any time, so 20 is the best possible standard anywhere in the world at any time.
If this is not taken into consideration when changing the data, this will in
turn make a newly created game very unrealistic.
Page 1: Personal
Attribute: First name, second name
Description: Names for this official
Type: Text
Range: Choose from the dropdown menu
Attribute: Date of birth
Description: Date format DD.MM.YYYY (DD – day of month, MM – month of year, YYYY
- year). If this field is set the game will use it as the birthday of this
official. If it isn’t set, it will use the Year of birth field if that is set,
or create a random date of birth if none of them are set.
Type: Date (text string)
Value range: 01.01.1915 – 20.07.1990
Attribute: Year of birth
Description: This attribute is only used if Date of birth is empty. The game
will then use this (if set, i.e. > 0) and create a random date of birth in that
year when initializing a new game.
Type: Number.
Value range: From 0 (not set) to 1990.
Attribute: Nation
Description: Nationality of the official, the country he represents.
Type: Text
Range: Choose from the dropdown list.
Attribute: City
Description: The city this official lives in.
Type: Text
Range: Choose from dropdown list.
Page 2: Attributes
Attribute: Current ability
Description: His current ability. This decides which divisions he will referee
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 200 (best).
Attribute: Potential ability
Description: How good he can become in the future.
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 200 (best).
Attribute: Reputation
Description: How good he is reputed to be on a worldwide basis.
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 200 (best)
Attribute: Allowing flow
Description: How well he allows the game to flow and avoid unnecessary
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 20 (best)
Attribute: Discipline
Description: How severally he punishes players who misbehave.
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 20 (best)
Attribute: Important matches
Description: How well he performs in important matches.
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 20 (best)
Attribute: Pressure
Description: How well he is able to handle pressure and avoid being intimidated.
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 20 (best)
Attribute: Refereeing
Description: How good he is at making refereeing decisions.
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 20 (best)
Attribute: Running line
Description: How good he is at making line decisions.
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 20 (best)
Attribute: Timekeeping
Description: How accurately he keeps track of time during the match.
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 20 (best)