City attributes
Attribute: Name
Description: The name of the city
Type: Text
Range: Max 100 characters long.
Attribute: Nation
Description: Nation where the city is located
Type: Text
Range: Choose from dropdown list.
Attribute: Latitude
Description: Latitude location of city.
Type: Number
Range: -180 to +180. Decimal degrees. Southern latitudes are given negative
(minus) values, while northern latitudes are positive.
Attribute: Longitude
Description: Longitude location of city.
Type: Number
Range: -180 to +180. Decimal degrees. Western latitudes are given negative
(minus) values, while eastern are positive.
Attribute: Attraction
Description: How attractive this city or town is to live in. Please note that
this rating is indicating the city’s attraction within the country it is
Type: Number
Range: 0 (random) – 20 (the most attractive city in the country it is located)
Attribute: Weather
Description: A weather type that describes what weather this city generally has.
Type: Text
Range: Choose from dropdown list.